It is certifyd of that the proposal is honest and does not have complaints of the company. If it goes for a country of the European Economic Space (all of the European Union, Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway) or Switzerland, inquires next to the Eures, net created for the European Commission and public services of job. Having as destination other countries, contacte the respective Chamber of Commerces, embassies and consulates in Portugal. It prepares documents of identification (ticket of identity or passport) and copy of the contract or another one with the offered conditions. The Eures vestibule says to it if the country demands authorization of residence or another register. If to travel for it are of the Europe, contacte the embassy or consulate of this country in Portugal to know if it needs visa and other formalities to fulfill. Part in the social security the documents that guarantee medical assistance. Being about a country of the Economic Space Europeu or Switzerland, it needs the European card of safe from illness. The detached workers, who go to the service of a Portuguese company, also need the E101 form, that he proves to be enrolled in the social security. Both the documents are gratuitous. It are of that European space, as Brazil or United States, searches if it has agreement or bilateral convention with Portugal, to benefit of health services. It is also inquired on cares special of prevention, as vaccines. Some centers of health and hospitals already have services vocacionados for the consultation of the traveller.
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