Who goes for the foreign one subjects, general rule, to the laws of the shelter country. The situation can be different for detached workers. They only have to accept those rules will be more favorable. For example, the license of childbirth in Germany and the Finlândia has a superior duration to the one of the national law The contributions for the social security also are paid in the destination country, excepto if the displacement will be temporary. To the workers detached for a period up to 1 year the Portuguese, similar regimen is applied to the one of the independent ones. If the displacement will be superior and to be enclosed for the system of the country where it works, part in the social security of here the suspension of the Portuguese regimen. The same rule if applies to the taxes: when working in another country, he is subject to the rules that invigorate there. It presents the employment contract next to the fiscal administration and has asked for the contributor number. It does not have to inform the Portuguese treasury department. To the departure, only paid taxes in Portugal if to inhabit during the year, more than 183 days, followed here or not. If to remain in the first months and to absent themselves later, are taxed as nonresident for the incomes gotten here. In the case of the detached workers, general rule, the company deals with the formalities with the treasury department. To prevent the double taxation, it has asked for a certificate of residence in the fiscal authority of the other country, to present in the Portuguese finances. If, exactly thus, he will be taxed in both, it has right to the call credit of tax. It is enough to fill the attached J of the personal taxes.
Find out how we can search, submit, analyse, find and get job offers to work abroad! Simple steps can get big opportunities for people who want to work in others countries! Be my guest!
sábado, 11 de junho de 2011
Papers and vaccines in day
It is certifyd of that the proposal is honest and does not have complaints of the company. If it goes for a country of the European Economic Space (all of the European Union, Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway) or Switzerland, inquires next to the Eures, net created for the European Commission and public services of job. Having as destination other countries, contacte the respective Chamber of Commerces, embassies and consulates in Portugal. It prepares documents of identification (ticket of identity or passport) and copy of the contract or another one with the offered conditions. The Eures vestibule says to it if the country demands authorization of residence or another register. If to travel for it are of the Europe, contacte the embassy or consulate of this country in Portugal to know if it needs visa and other formalities to fulfill. Part in the social security the documents that guarantee medical assistance. Being about a country of the Economic Space Europeu or Switzerland, it needs the European card of safe from illness. The detached workers, who go to the service of a Portuguese company, also need the E101 form, that he proves to be enrolled in the social security. Both the documents are gratuitous. It are of that European space, as Brazil or United States, searches if it has agreement or bilateral convention with Portugal, to benefit of health services. It is also inquired on cares special of prevention, as vaccines. Some centers of health and hospitals already have services vocacionados for the consultation of the traveller.
Serach for job offers in developing countries - first step
Developing countries are full of opportunities for superior tecnical employies. They offer large salaries to get the best proffessionals in their developing companies, so, the first step is always to serach for the most active corporations of the destiny country and the mosta active corps. from other countries whitch ara investing there. By this time, you can be sure thers always a door open becouse what you are searching is exactly what they are looking for!
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