segunda-feira, 9 de julho de 2012

Main clauses in a contract of work abroad

Main clauses in a contract of work abroad

As happens in Europe and in Brazil, the contract of work is enough important.  But, that is still more important when you are going to work abroad.  By that, verifies that his contract I included the following clauses: 
• The duration of the contract;
• Identification of the part (company and industrious);
• The location and duration of the contract;
• The annual rough remuneration;
• The awake benefits (Lodging, car of the company, etc); • unemployment forecast Regime;
• Conditions of cancellation of the contract;

Websites to find job in London

Websites to find job in London:

- puts there your one CV and you are going to see that alone by you will have there the CV you are going to have employers it will telephone you for an interview;

- puts there your one CV and you are going to see that alone by you will have there the CV you are going to have employers it will telephone you for an interview;

Tips to Find Work in Luxembourg

Tips to Find Work in Luxembourg

It finds several hints and offers of job for agree to the purse of job of this country, with the minimum wage more high.  It find job in the Luxembourg cannot be like this so difficult as the statistics indicate, but is necessary have a little of experience, some qualifications, a lot perseverance and much more than luck.  The Luxembourg is the perfect country therefore the rate of unemployment is one of the smallest all over the world.  If you are an European citizen, then has right it work in the Luxembourg about the conditions of free access of the Union.  Like this that find work, you simply have that itself register in the appropriate authorities where is going to live, for that be him granted automatically the visa of residence.  For citizens of outside of the Union European without automatic rights for work in this country is more difficult, therefore any potential employer should ask approval of the centre of local job of form to power hire a foreign collaborator (not European).  It guides for Work in the Luxembourg THE Luxembourg is a country of foreigners, and the numbers are probably still bigger than the statistics show, therefore several international organizations exist that possess diverse collaborators it work temporarily in his headquarters in this country.  Second the statistics, around 40 percent of the population is foreigners.  Without it relate that Europe count with a strong presence in immigrants and People-descending, reaching the impressive 10 percent.  As opposed to the Europe, in that the illegal immigration is a problem, this country took the necessary measures in we will have of form immigration law it protect the country and the citizens.  In this
country is possible find several opportunities of job daily, but healthy grouped of Wednesday to Saturday in the daily one bilinguals Luxembourger Worth/Her void du Luxembourg.  However, also it can find Luxemburg companies it recruit professionals in the daily of others countries, in the section jobs in the outside, in the daily.  Frankfurter Allemande, Wall Street Journal (for agents of business), The Economist (Professions related with economy, universities, administrative, executive, …), between other known newspapers.  

Work in China - how to work as the Chinese

Work in China - how to work as the Chinese

 It finds the purse of jobs in the Chinese one and read several hints for work abroad. The appeal of work in one of the economies that more grows in the world, many foreigners choose this Asian country due to the desire of know a completely different culture.  But it has in lie that cultural differences can cause him situations of stress in the work.  It said this, have a job in the Chinese one is good for his one curriculum vitae.  It shows that you are promptly for work in a country with a completely different culture and obtain experience in a market different.  The importance of this country in the world economy increase to each day, being that the time invested in this small farm of the globe is a good investment in its professional career.  It guides for work in the Chinese one As somewhere of the world, the companies in the Chinese one are specially there is seeks of collaborators in different areas of market, like by example, in finances and economy, sales and marketing, professional IT and engineers, that know to speak English fluently.  In a country where the professionals with decrease qualification are enough abundant, is necessary have a degree or master for have a good salary and find easily
that job that seeks.  One of the first things that can do for begin well to his stay in this country, is going to begin it learn how Chinese.  Many candidates are going to obtain a work without know to speak Chinese, but how much better will know speak in this language, bigger Saints his chances of obtain a vacancy of job and easy access to well-paid jobs that demand the level of conversation in Mandarin.  It drifts of Job in the Chinese one You can agree to the purse of Chinese jobs through different sites of jobs, as is the case of the international door, however the Chinese companies are going to publish the announcements in sites like the, and the  Some of those sites are available in English, but several announcements exist of classified of jobs that are in Mandarin. Those announcements are come back for the foreigners, including several offerings for job to part-team or I contract of work.  Takes advantage of this opportunity for work abroad. 

Active techniques to get job abroad

Active techniques to get job abroad

THE search of job abroad has coming it be a recurring strategy between the People, want for reasons of financial need want for will of personal enrichment.  The definition of a good strategy for find a job in another country, knowing where find and as face limitations in terms of the personal presentation and of the lawful and practical trials, can bring the necessary security for give the final pace.  This action of formation is going to endow the finalist of the necessary tools for find job abroad adapted to his profile and run itself of the most efficient way:
 • Definition of a strategy of search: possible countries of fate and desktop, the weight of the language, cross-cultural adaptation
• Importance of the personal presentation: construction of a CV directed, utilization of the nets social, better sites for active search of job
• Work abroad: some aspects lawful and practical advice.

It is unquestionable the importance of the English language in the world globalized in that we live

It is unquestionable the importance of the English language in the world globalized in that we live. 

The experts say us that in 10 years who will not know to speak English will fall behind in the composition of the Society.  All of the countries that possess a modern economy hasten his educational systems of form to that these permit ace infants of today that are going to form the society of the future generation the education of the English language since the its first day of classes.  However it big majority of the current citizens begin it feel difficulties in find a therefore more and more job is requested that be holder of the language in his curriculum.  This situation leads to that many people lose good opportunities in his careers and for avoid that situation a course of English is indispensable.  Thousands of available courses exist in the market, a research deepened in the Internet is going to provide a without number of opportunities of be able to learn how to English language.  They exist in their big majority options in that will have of pay for a course of English but itself their problem will go the absence of money also some courses of free English exist find will have them of deepen their research.  Others exist motives by which the learning of the English is fundamental. Not only by the money. To Dominate the English language guarantees him the access the information and contents in the Internet that otherwise are him denied.  That is going to permit him to itself a bigger integration in this world globalized and fall madly in love benefits in will have of understanding about the world in that live helping to that perceive better the events world therefore will have access to an enlargement of his world. Be which will go his motive it reason of learn how English is inappropriate but yes essential for the growth as Be Human so that never imagined.  I imagine a future in that all of the citizens of the world will dominate the English language, each a with his regional accent but even so the world will have an unique language and everybody you Will Be them Humans really will be able to begin it talk and to will be understood. 

Hints for obtain work in Brazil

Hints for obtain work in Brazil

• Before of travel for Brazil, is going to establish contacts and schedule meetings with Brazilian companies. 
• Analyzes the existing vacancies in the Brazilian labour market in its professional area.  • It analyzes his professional capacities and builds a prominent curriculum. 
• It Analyzes which are the areas of the Brazilian labour market that are found in expansion and verify itself their qualifications can be inserted in the same. 
• Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo are the areas of bigger population density, however, restrain not his research barely to these two big areas, Brazil finds-itself in expansion economic and other interior areas will be able to have a bigger offering of jobs in the its area. 
• It Utilizes to Internet as environment of research and of contacts, the Social Nets will be able to be a good one I help. 
• It Takes the necessary paces of form it obtain a visa of work for Brazil.  

Work in Brazil

Work in Brazil

For those workers that are going to work in Brazil, is very important obtain the maximum one of possible information before of embark in an adventure.  It is advisable that resort not to Brazil without have contacts with Brazilian companies with vacancies of job for the workers.  Is going to schedule several meetings or interviews of job of form it increase the possibilities of well to be happened in find a job in Brazil.  It is very important be conscious that should have some form part money it deal with the expenses of dislocation, food and lodging during the period in that will be unemployed. People can think Brazil is not a country cheaply by what should be cautious.  

The simple fact of speak English has advantages in obtain determined positions abroad

The simple fact of speak English has advantages in obtain determined positions abroad

The simple fact of speak English has some advantages in obtain determined positions, as; • Public Relations of a multi-national company
• Translator
• Work in Hotels and Restaurants
• travel agency Jobs that are related with the tourism everybody they require the minimum of domain of this language him international tourism is also composed by tourists of other nations like the Germany or the France, but everybody they in their big majority communicate internationally in English. 

If You knows to speak English and search work, find inside to his area apply the positions in International companies or that contact regularly with international clients and companies connections to the tourism of form it maximize to its advantage of know speak and write fluently English.  

To speak English is an advantage in nowadays

To speak English is an advantage in nowadays. 

In the future is possible that the English becomes in the world language by what more and more everybody those that do not dominate this language are going to fall behind in the labour market.  Be which will go to his area of business or professional, will be able to be losing money by the simple fact of do not dominate the language more and more universal.  The fact of speak English, even for jobs in that the most minimum qualifications required Saints is an advantage.  The People, by example, can try to his luck in the labour market of the England what is an advantage in relation the too in times of crisis in that an upper rate exists of unemployed.     

Sometimes people go for these countries with the illusion of easy money

Sometimes people go for these countries with the illusion of easy money. 

In fact itself obtain to have the happiness of find a job abroad, will have that be prepared for work harshly for earn the salary in the end of each time.  Countries as the France It Germany or the England pass also they by a grave crisis financial. the result of that crisis reflects-itself also in the populations of these countries.  The numbers of unemployed has increased in these countries and as such the opportunities that still Saints exist for those jobs that "nobody want to do ".  The most common jobs of itself obtain outside are works of cleaning or works in restaurants, where for itself obtain a good salary is necessary work many hours and all they it work in the hard one.  For itself obtain a better job a little, will be necessary that remain in the country by a square time span, after which is going to improve the language, is going to have more contacts and knowledge.  The order in these countries are enough over the order in the base countries, however its cost of living is also therefore his objective is going to join money for have a better future, will have of abdicate of many luxuries and dedicate to wide majority of the its time to the its work.  Clear those exceptions exist and cases of people that found the success outside, but for the big majority of the people that try to its luck this does not happen.  I work in the England to around 5 years and already I saw hundreds of People will arrive here for will try to its luck, in that my experience exists a fact that am going to be prominent.  In each 10 People that tried to his luck this way, 7 come back backwards before of will complete a month of stay.  By that motive, I leave an advice for everybody those that you come this as an option, be prepared for the worst one for that come not with illusions and give up soon in the first times.  Normally those that handle the first six months this way obtain a chance of will be stabilized for here. 

But emigrate for where? What Country is better?

But emigrate for where? What Country is better?

The Europeans are part of the European Union then emigrate for any one of the countries of the Union European does not require that should be obtained a visa.  This is the easiest solution and in fact several opportunities exist it explore.  France, Germany and England are countries in which is relatively easy arrange job, however is not recommendable that resort to an adventure in these countries without have a job guaranteed.  This because there exists many unemployed people in these countries and that are not going to arrange work.  For it work abroad is important that know to speak the native language of the country to which decided emigrate him simple fact of do not know speak English example, is going to become barely impossible obtain a job, even those that are in a position of worse salary...

To get a job outside is an option?

To get a job outside is an option?

Crisis in Europe leads People to try the luck outside with the crisis that EU drives travels through, many People think of emigrating for others countries of form it will be able to improve their standard of living.  In Spain who has job suspect the unemployment and who is unemployed does not arrange form of find a.  The truth is that the thing is black and work abroad is for many to only solution, especially those that have a family for maintain. 

Work abroad – Concerning Data

Work abroad – Concerning Data

1 in each 10 Europeans are arranged it Work abroad recently left this news in the periodic People.  Second a study carried out by the international markets study company (GfK) . Active population is to the search of another job and 3 in each 10 is going to emigrate, being that the majority of these have ages between the 30 and the 39 years and have upper formation.  It work abroad Today is relatively easy find alternatives of work abroad.  Many sites of specific recruitment exist abroad.  It suffices to do the curriculum in English and begin it submit his curriculum in the diverse human resources recruitment sites and sites of classified.  In the majority of the cases will be able to do the submission of the curriculum and facts of the profile of free form, by that, I advise him it put his curriculum in the maximum number of sites.  For it save time I advise him it write a small description (kind letter of introduction) in a file
in his computer and afterwards do to copy for the diverse sites.  

More and more it is bigger the number of Professionals interested in an European career

More and more it is bigger the number of Professionals interested in an European career

More and more it is bigger the number of People that is interested in an career to European or world level, multiplying the offerings of job and professional proposals that arise abroad.  The first pace is going to collect the maximum one of informs possible about companies that are it hire and, speak with professionals that already have passed by the same experience, being that the Facebook will be able to be of big aid.  If it want to change from country or want have a work during some months or years abroad, begin for write in a paper which are their competence and the their objectives, for that can perceive in that countries will be able to find the best offerings of job.  See which they are the best companies in their area in each country, which the profile of the candidates that find and sends their one curriculum vitae or goes to an interview of job.  As now most of the companies I possessed us his sites the offerings of available job, we recommend that see the offerings of available job or sends a spontaneous candidacy – be not forgot of create a curriculum vitae specific for each company.  You can find help through embassies, chambers of commerce, companies of local recruitment, and also in the Internet.  In this way, you do not go of hands it fan.  The Facebook and the LinkedIn are good springs of information in this area and, beyond will be able to help-him it find companies in his area, also is good for give it know and find people that work in those companies.  Find, by example, know itself the salary and the competitive conditions offered Saints for the standard of living of the country, as the system of health functions, imposed and which they are the necessary authorizations for work in the country.  Know also itself the cost of dwelling and food is costly.  You should have in count all of the factors.  

What must to know before of Emigrate

What must to know before of Emigrate

What must to know before of Emigrate is it think more and more in emigrate or has for mission build a global career, be because does not find challenges to his height in Europe, or because is not unemployed, forms exist of reduce the risk of not well to be happened upon emigrating.  As we know that many of our readers are interested in emigrate, we decide to create this small guides.  Therefore, the ideal is going to leave of Europe already with everything assured.  

Know as find work abroad

Know as find work abroad

With the Unemployment it increase more and more in Europe, many People unemployed are more and more it emigrate to the search of job abroad.  Some of the fate preferred Saints Brazil, the Germany and the Angola.  But before of it go to work abroad we recommend that read the following hints.  If is without work and does not see, in Europe, any light to the bottom of the tunnel, already thought of emigrating?  The Daily one Economic leaves-him some paces it follow for be thrown in that adventure in that many People are it embark for flee to the unemployment.

Work abroad

Work abroad

More and more and more people are going to work abroad by several reasons.  Some youths are going to earn experience in more competitive labour markets or by the simple reason because do not find job in Europe or due to the short salary.  

To find Job abroad

To find Job abroad

Itself is interested in find job and work abroad, can consult the offerings of job in job announcements sites of the Europe, as well as in others foreign countries that are available in this Web page.  For we will help our readers it find job in several countries for work abroad, we decide to create an extensive list with several sites with offerings of job abroad.  Uncover now itself offerings of job in its area exist.  

Hunters of heads

Hunters of heads

With labor hand absence qualified that can maintain the development, Brazil is going to go to seek foreigners.  Big global companies of headhunting as to Michael Pays confirm the search of the market, specially in technical professions, like engineering and technology of the information.  But always it is not easy, for a People finished arriving the Brazil, be referenced by these companies or arrange of his service.  

Work in Brazil Know everything about Brazil

Work in Brazil Know everything about Brazil in we will have of job through our guide for work in Brazil

Everything learn how now and uncover itself Brazil is an option for itself.  Last week the consultant Michael Pays revealed that the salaries of Brazil surpassed the remunerations practiced us rich countries – arriving it be 85% more high. A Brazilian civil engineer senior begins it negotiate his salary in the 5820 euros, the Italian in the 3740 euros.  The number of foreigners it work or it study in Brazil – 1.4 millions – already surpassed the contingent one of Brazilians outside of borders.  Alone in the first semester of 2011, the increase of lawful foreigners in Brazil was of 52% regarding the previous semester.  They see there the Olympic Games (2016), the Championship of the World (2014), there are big public works in course and much oil for extract in the pre Brazilian salt – the professional areas with more demand and more well payment are engineering of oil and environmental engineering.  It suffices to walk in the street and enter in the shops for feel the maelstrom of the consumption.  The millionaires of São Paulo travel from helicopter for the stays in the coast and send his deluxe cars, in trucks, days before.  Having in count the current moment of Brazil, a mark of whisky chose like slogan:  "The giant is not more asleep."  But Brazil is not barely the country of the opportunities, blessed by god and pretty by nature.  The cost of living in the big cities increased.  It is barely so costly arrange an apartment in Rio as in New York – a T1 in Ipanema does not cost less than 1500 euros by month.  For it lock the lit of the Economy and control the inflation, the government of Dilma Rousseff adopted restrictive measures to the credit and interest more high.  In the same week in that to Michael Pays to announce those elevated salaries of the Brazilians, knew itself that the economy stagnated in the third semester of 2011 – the government rushed it say that in the last three months of the year, with the increase of the consumption and of the exportations, the deceleration would be compensated.